Don't Die Stupid

A Collection of Journalist Truths Suppressed
By The Mainstream Media

You know when your brain knows
the truth, when it starts to hurt.

Our Mission Statement

The ramifications of dishonest news reporting divides people.
Our purpose is to rectify false concepts in history writing
and contemporary news reporting.

How Kosher is the Holocaust Story?

$1,000.00 reward (will be paid by to the first person to prove that any essay or article at The Holocaust Historiography Project web site is inaccurate.

A Must-See Website

Let's End Thought Crimes in the Twenty-first Century. Founded in 2000 the publishing company Theses & Dissertations Press is at the center of a worldwide network of scholars and activists who are working -- often at great personal sacrifice -- to separate historical fact from propaganda fiction. The founder of Theses & Dissertations Press is Germar Rudolf. Who is currently serving prison time for his published works that can be found at this website.

What sort of Truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth?

"Germar Rudolf's books cannot be killed by his imprisonment. As the new owner of Germar Rudolf's American publishing division, I wish to express my outrage that the Holocaust, unlike any other historical event, is not subject to critical revisionist investigation. Furthermore I deplore the fact that many so-called democratic states have laws that criminalize public doubting of the Holocaust. It is my position that the veracity of Holocaust assertions should be determined in the marketplace of scholarly discourse and not in our legislatures bodies and courthouses."

How dishonest is mainstream news?

The best in underground reporting ...

Intellectual Prostitutes ?

"What sort of Truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth ?"

A famous quote from John Swinton, the former Editor of the New York Times during the Civil War here.

Which writer today scares the establishment more than other writers in the United States?

Visit ... Sobran's

How brainwashed have we become in regards to the Middle East?

$1,000.00 reward (will be paid by to the first person to prove that any essay or article where the essence of it's content is inaccurate in any back issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs ...

To uncover more media myths about the Middle East

... go to Ali Abunimah

For some of the most irreverent reporting...but it wakes up your brain ... see this British web site ...

$1,000.00 reward (will be paid by to the first person to prove that any portion of Israel Shahak's Jewish History, Jewish Religion -- The Weight of Three Thousand Years, chapter 5 is inaccurate. This chapter can be found by selecting "Race Hate," then "Jewish History, Jewish Religon," then "Chapter 5" at the homepage of the Historical Review Press.

Stop the mutilation...

To learn about the most unnecessary surgery performed in the history of mankind visit NOCIRC

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Freelance writers for subject matter related to revisionism
in the spirit of Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes.
We will pay for the exclusive copyright of your submissions.

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